Friday, August 08, 2008

Chic Shopper Chick: CSC Giveaway: A Micralite FastFold Stroller!

Chic Shopper Chick: PICK ME!!!!!CSC Giveaway: A Micralite FastFold Stroller!

I ran across this wonderful giveaway and so want this stroller for Samuel... so that we can enjoy hiking along with our camping for the entire family. This stroller is lightweight and the best in upcoming hybrid to enjoy. It also has one handed driving which is a big plus especially when I have to also walk Jessica and her unstable gait. I am crossing my fingers that we can put this stroller to use for many years to come as Samuel may need the stroller for years to come due to inabilty to walk at this point in time. I know that if he is able to walk in the near future it will not be for long distances but with this awesome stroller he can explore so much more!

Thursday, August 07, 2008


The hardest part often in adoption is the waiting to be selected by parents who will entrust you to care for their precious ones. We have been through this process several times and did not think we would begin the journey again at least not so soon after Samuel. He is only a year old and continues to work hard with his therapies and makes progress daily. But we are asking yet again for individuals to consider us for a very special adoption.

This time our focus in somewhat different....through the wonderful world of blogs we discovered that there are 3 life size stuffed puppies needing homes. The kids have been wanting a puppy but have no time to feed and walk a puppy so we have told them to wait. Well the wait may be over. These puppies immediately tugged at my heartstrings due to their markings.
The first is your typical dalmation when we adopted Timothy we told the lady that we did not care if he was black, white or polka dot. He is bi-racial and now that he is 5 he says sometimes that he is just like the firehouse dog black ad white. The second puppy needing a home is also black and white as is Claire who is also bi-racial but the one that tugs at my heart the most is the brown and white spotted puppy. Samuel our youngest has what is called a mosaic disorder which caused undevelopment of his brain. When he was first born the original adoptive family left the hospital once they realized that he may not be "healthy" and he "looked different". That's when we got the call we were on the way no matter what he was our son. Now his coloring is somewhat spotted and discolored but that does not bother us at all and he was hand picked with love to be a part of our family.
Please consider us to be parents of these adorable puppies I believe that they too were hand picked to be a part of our family and with on going therapy appointments, kindergarten and preschool they need just the right amount of care I can offer. Unlimited hugs and kisses from the kids and Claire may very well try to get them a bowl of food in case they become life like only for a moment :)

Thanks for your considerstion..... ready to knit them some welcome booties:)
Here are some photos of our little guys :)