Claire- THE Princess
When we were blessed with the news of baby Charles we were already matched and awaiting the arrival of Baby Claire who was expected at the end of June(2004). After losing Charles and making Claire's birthmother aware of our loss she assured me that soon I would be holding my new daughter. However, as June began to get closer we had some loss of contact with the birthmother and I began to fear that we were going to loose yet another child. On June 7th I recieved a call from a lady who was the biological mother of our birthmother- someone I had never met who was questioning her daughter placing this baby with us. She was asking if any "papers had been signed" - Well No because that cannot be done until she is born...... "she was born yesterday and her sister cut the umbilical cord". My heart sank it was happening again we were not going to be parents to this little angel and not only that we may never meet her. As Time went on I was unable to reach the birthmother to make sure she was ok - this worried me more than anything at least she was alive and being cared for. My baby Charles was resting in Gods arms.
Then one day as I sat staring at computer screen which held a screensaver of Baby Charles - I said a little prayer.... "Charles please watch over my little girl and keep her safe and please let mommy know what God has in store will I be a mommy again (tears began to fall)" The phonew rang and it was the bithmother and she was apologetic and asked if we "wanted to come get our daughter" My heart began to race and the answer was of course YES!!! The funniest part is that we were at the hospital to care and bring Timothy home. With Claire we picked her up at a Pilot gas station and began to bring our little princess home.
Claire is true princess with a hint of Tomboy..... her and Timothy are extremely close and were meant to be brother and sister. Jessica loves having a little girl around and it is so much fun to watch! She was meant to be our daughter despite the hardships and the time her birthmother needed to simply be strong and make the best decision for her child.
When we were blessed with the news of baby Charles we were already matched and awaiting the arrival of Baby Claire who was expected at the end of June(2004). After losing Charles and making Claire's birthmother aware of our loss she assured me that soon I would be holding my new daughter. However, as June began to get closer we had some loss of contact with the birthmother and I began to fear that we were going to loose yet another child. On June 7th I recieved a call from a lady who was the biological mother of our birthmother- someone I had never met who was questioning her daughter placing this baby with us. She was asking if any "papers had been signed" - Well No because that cannot be done until she is born...... "she was born yesterday and her sister cut the umbilical cord". My heart sank it was happening again we were not going to be parents to this little angel and not only that we may never meet her. As Time went on I was unable to reach the birthmother to make sure she was ok - this worried me more than anything at least she was alive and being cared for. My baby Charles was resting in Gods arms.
Then one day as I sat staring at computer screen which held a screensaver of Baby Charles - I said a little prayer.... "Charles please watch over my little girl and keep her safe and please let mommy know what God has in store will I be a mommy again (tears began to fall)" The phonew rang and it was the bithmother and she was apologetic and asked if we "wanted to come get our daughter" My heart began to race and the answer was of course YES!!! The funniest part is that we were at the hospital to care and bring Timothy home. With Claire we picked her up at a Pilot gas station and began to bring our little princess home.
Claire is true princess with a hint of Tomboy..... her and Timothy are extremely close and were meant to be brother and sister. Jessica loves having a little girl around and it is so much fun to watch! She was meant to be our daughter despite the hardships and the time her birthmother needed to simply be strong and make the best decision for her child.