Well our next blessing was Timothy( summer 2003) - We commonly refer to him as the whirlwind.... since his adoption happened so quickly. We were in the process of completing our home study when I started to make phone calls to decide which agency or facilitator to use for our adoption. We were open to a child of any race or gender and therefore within in a week we got a phone call for a baby whose due date was Father's Day. I thought this would be so great and not to mention it was only a week away. We were to talk to the birthmother on Tuesday since Monday night we already had tickets to take Jess to see the Dixie Chicks. She is always full of smiles and laughed so much at the concert. We were to speak with the birthmother at 7pm and who would know if she would even choose us or not. SOOO Steve went shopping for hard wood floor to install in the house.... I was running errands with Jess and the cell phone rang at 12 noon on Tuesday..... She was IN LABOR and wanted to talk with us now! So we talked and she had to go to get the hospital(she said can you come now its time)--- I had to call Steve at the Hardware store and tell him to come home ..... We were having a baby!!! Her labor took less that 15 minutes once at the hospital and we had a long drive so we arrived 4 hrs after delivery. Although we called in route to discover that it was a BOY!!!
As we arrived at the hospital the nurse directed us to the first room to meet his birthmother. She was already walking around and waiting for him to return from the nursery. I provided care for him in the hospital while sharing her suite at the hospital- this allowed me time to get to know her and Steve took care of two of her other children at the hotel until she was released. Timothy had to stay an extra day to make sure there was no infection due to leaking amniotic fluid. She never faltered in her decision to place him with us and when
After spending time with him in the hospital we were nervous as anyone would be while they wait for all the papers to be signed. Once all the papers were signed we left the hospital and went to visit with his birthmom and take some most treasured photos. There is not a day that we are not thankful for the most precious gift she entrusted to us. Now we have a great strong young man who is already three years old and a excellent big brother to both of his sisters.
He is so compassionate with Jess and wants to help feed her, read stories, and loves to dance to make her laugh. What more could a mother want to see her child act as Jesus would do in his daily life. Timothy is named after the priest that married Steve and I ..... 8 years ago.